EDM 45K-D – High Capacity Diamond Core Surface Exploration Drill Rig
Compact 45Klbf Holdback Rig
The EDM45K-D is a heavy-duty surface core drill with deep hole capabilities on a small footprint. Track mounted for excellent manoeuvrability in tough site conditions, the high-performance rig offers the best power to size ratio on the market and fits inside a container for shipping. Designed with a jack up base, the rig can be raised up to 1.8m for easy loading onto a standard flatbed truck or trailer for long distance moves.
The rig boasts a range of world class safety features including an optional 2 person sealed control cabin isolating the operators from drill table hazards, making it a highly desirable rig for operations on mine sites with the most stringent safety standards. The rig can be combined with the Mk-1 Rod Feeder for reduced manual rod handling or the MK-2 Rod Feeder to eliminate manual rod handling